Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Transnationalism (globalization) was a movement that loosened many boundaries between countries. It is a process that involves the global reorganization of the production process. Usually the production of any product can occur in various countries, and it aims to minimize costs. Transnationalism was started in the later half of the 20th century after the birth of the Internet. Cultural imperialism and Americanization are invoked to critique the effects of global capitalism on national cultures.

Multinational corporations could be seen as transnationalism. Corporations like the film industry played a dominant position. The consumer is thought of to be lured by the advertising into the latest blockbuster. Film emerged from the international market and was used for competition. The nation state provided large markets for distribution and took on a national quality. Film was able to jump the national linguistic fetters. A lot of time and money was put into expanding the national market. After World War II, film was the national state interest.

The critique of globalization from the left and the right ends with a turn to the statist position. Problems arise with this statist position as well. It freezes culture and presumes a form of isolatable authenticity, which separates the French people from all others, which ignores the role of contact, dissemination, influence, and diffusion that compels culture.

Analyses of cultural imperialism or monoculture condense and confuse points that should remain distinct. Cultural imperialism must be distinguished from media monopolies and recognize that there is a clear difference between news from one or three corporate sources and no news at all.

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