Friday, December 4, 2009


I chose to blog about Mohammed Bamyeh’s Postnationalism. In his article he tries to argue globalization has caused the decline of national ideology’s claims of providing such values and reasons for existence. In its place, social networks centered around common values have replaced the need for an increased nationalism.
Baymeh goes on to discuss the existence of a postnational culture. This culture has three distinct characteristics. Nationalism is wholistic whereas postnationalism is fragmented. Postnationalism, is not necessarily aligned with state ideology. Finally, postnationalism emphasizes the importance of involvement in world affairs.
I found it interesting how the benefits reaped from strong nationalism could be found in other ways. Smaller social networks took the place of what nationalism used to provide. I do think that although nationalism has had a diminished role in civilization today that it still plays a bigger part than Baymeh describes.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your statement with a modification - I think nationalism plays a bigger role than described, but not across the board. In some places the nationalistic sentiment is definently stronger than in others.

    I found Bamyeh's description of postnationalism to be a more specific and sensitive version of nationalism, where we take a closer look at what now brings people together.
