Friday, October 23, 2009

weekly commentary - Hobsbawn (10-13)

This week concluded Hobsbawn's book Age of Empires. In the last three chapters, it talked about
the rise of science. This occurred in the late 19th century to the early 20th century. The attention for science was increasing and as this was happening, religion was losing its attention. Almost everyone was given an education which allowed science to develop even further. And as people were losing interest in religion, they turned to nationalism. And this in turn caused wars amongst nations in Europe. Imperialism also took part in these wars as nations were competing economically. This competition created tensions between powerful countries. They prepared themselves with large military power just in case other countries were to attack. And also for more protection, they would make allies with other countries for the ally to protect them or for the country to protect their ally. One example of this is how a war between two countries (Austria-Hungary and Serbia) pulled in many other countries because of their alliance power. Germany, Russia, France, England.. all became a part of this war.

What I found interesting was how religion lost its attention as science began to rise. Previously, religion was a strong aspect of ones life but it seems like it was forgotten once they had something else to praise. I'm wondering why science became so popular which made religion lose its power.


  1. I feel like religion wasn't forgotten, but discredited as an irrational mentality. The respect individuals once got for being pious and deeply devoute were not mocked/devalued. Science was trendy. I like to think religion was like in middle school when you bought all those pogs (anyone else remember pogs?) and then three weeks later they were realized to be cardboard with a sticker. The magic was diminished. Having the most pogs or being the best player was irrelevant. You still had a box full of pogs and your favorite smasher, but you didn't play with them, because you moved onto gogos.

    *If you don't know the toys them my referencing might confusing. Sorry

  2. I felt that people wanted something different and hands on so when science came about it was more dominant than religion but religion wasn;t necessarily forgotten. I feel like science back then was like magic to some people and it was interesting to discover new things. In a way it was captivating.
