Thursday, December 3, 2009

Postnationalism and Transnationalism

According to Bamyeh in postnationalism there are different solidarities involved, which include spiritual, material, humanist, and life-emancipatory solidarities. I found the humanist solidarities to be the most interesting because this is where we see the most organized groups such as environmentalism, pacifism, human rights, and feminism. The path to postnationalism is also addressed in this article, and the roots were in Europe after World War II, surprisingly not America. An important part of the development in Europe was the dilution of sovereignty, also the European Union, which was explained to be practically accidental in creating postnationalism. America was different because there were problems with a new kind of imperialism and capitalism at this time. The transnationalism essay also emphasized the importance of capitalism and not just in America but also how it works in globalization. This essay mainly focused on how critics look at transnationalism and its role in film production. For example, the role of the European Audiovisual Conference, which is sponsored by the European Commission, is analyzed.

I was surprised that the American route to postnationalism was actually structurally inferior and also that the essay concluded with the fact that it was all an argument against what Benedict Anderson said about nationalism representing “the most successful modernist ideology of solidarity.” I found this very interesting especially after reading Bamyeh’s entire argument. Also, in the other essay I found the comment about how “critics appear oddly superior” to be rather entertaining since they believed people were all increasingly participating in standardized activities.

In the transnationalism essay, the author also makes a very clear distinction between globalization and transnationalism. Globalization has to do with an economic process, whereas transnationalism involves an “affiliative and ideational network,” but is it impossible for these processes to ever overlap? Are there any present examples of when this happens?

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