Thursday, December 3, 2009

Global Society?

I loved the reading on Halle this week, looking at globalization and the arts and culture. Halle suggest that as the world becomes more global, and capitalism reaches throughout the entire planet, there is less regional difference, and less differences in culture.

Another interesting point made in the reading is the change in quality. As capitalism starts to rule the film industry, there is no longer a reason to make quality film. This is because a non-quality film seems to make more money. There is a standard formula (so it seems to me), and filmmakers plug into that formula, and come out with a blockbuster film. That film needs not be interesting, different, or have any nod at quality. Instead, all that matters is money.

With less regional culture, and less inclination for quality, we are experiencing extreme change. Where will this end?

In class there was discussion of a global government, and it was considered ridiculous. However, as globalization continues, is it really impossible that one day we will have a homogeneous global society? Some of my classmates have said this is unlikely because people pride themselves on their heritage. However, America is based on a lack of heritage, a melting pot (or fruit bowl, if we are trying to be PC). America’s ideal seems to be to put aside differences in class, race, gender, etc. and live in harmony, all united under the title of ‘American’. I think that as the age of information continues to take off, geographic boundaries will hold less and less weight, leaving typical ideas of nationalism behind. If Americans so easily gave up their heritage for the title of ‘American’, who is to say future generations will not give up their national titles, leaving heritage behind for the ever globalizing new world?
--Arielle Parris-Hoshour


  1. We are, more quickly than is noticeable, moving towards a one-government world system. Whether it's by the banks, or secret societies, or whatever conspiracy one prescribes to, the fact remains that loss of cultural identity is rapidly increasing. Interracial marriages and globalization have led to cultural bastardization. Now I'm in no way complaining, mind you. Cultural pride is all but vacant, which I hope can quell the ethnic fury that seems to emerge, particularly in the west, like clockwork every 30 years or so.

  2. I tend to disagree. I think ethnic pride and cultural pride is very much present, especially in the U.S. Walking on the streets of Pittsburgh you can hear countless languages being spoken. Is this not a sign of ethnic pride? Or, how about small businesses or homes that display the flag of their heritage outside. There are countless parades in major cities around the country celebrating ethnicity and/or culture such as the Puerto Rican Parade and the Gay Pride parade, amongst many more. The tree lighting in Times Square is another example of the importance of culture in our society. The U.S. is also much more religious (observant Christians) than the majority of countries in Europe, which is ironic since many of those countries have religion based in their governments, while the U.S. technically does not. Needless to say, I do think culture and ethnicity are extremely prevalent in the U.S. today.

  3. I agree that cultural and ethnic pride is still common and strong. However, If a country has something better to offer that will be the ultimate driving force in wether or not to give up their national heritage for a better life.
