Sunday, November 15, 2009

Last Leo Africanus Blog- The End

During the Year of the Conversa, The Pope is shown as being extremely angry. He signals to Hasan that he needs to talk with him. He tells Hasan about the Cardinal Julius and how Julius is known for being the most flamboyant of the Church, he loves ostentation, he has rowdy love affairs, etc. The cardinal wanted to speak with Hasan about a girl named Maddalena who is pregnant and is expected to be Hasan's wife. Cardinal Julius was the one who had 'shameful designs upon this girl.' Maddalena told her story to Hasan about how her parents and brother perished when she was a girl and she was taken into a convent. She tried to run away but she was caught and imprisoned. She eventually confessed to His Eminence and was let free because she begged His Eminence that she did not belong in a convent. At the end of her story, Hasan wanted to see her again and kissed her.
It was the Year of the Adrian that Pope Leo died of an ulcer. Cardinal Julius exiled himself t Florence and Guicciardini took refuge to Modena. There was a brief epidemic and Adrian the Barbarian was considered a new kind of plague. The cardinals elected him as if to repent. He wanted to change the face of the Church. The new Pope began to abolish all the pensions initiated by Leo X and he cancelled all orders for pictures and books because he saw all of the previous purchases as wastes of money. Maddalena gave birth to a son. Manolo, a painter, came to visit and Hasan discovered a painting of an old friend that he contacted through Manolo. Abbad showed up to Hasan's door as a rich man because he was the slave of a man who became very wealthy due to Abbad. Lastly, Adrian mounted the campaign of not being able to have a beard.
During the Year of the Sulaiman, Sulaiman took over and put an end to the bloody practices of his father. Abbad brought a letter to Hasan from Nur. Nur explained that she did not wait for Hasan. She stated that she only lived for her son. She went to Persia with Bayazid because he will have the enemies of those who are hunting him on his side. She left her daughter for Hasan as a gift mainly to protect her. This letter left Hasan in tears. Harun has been taking care of Hasan and his daughter by sending them money and food each month. Abbad went on business for ten days and Hasan wanted to travel with Maddalena when he got back. However, when Abbad returned, Hasan was arrested for carrying a pamphlet which a French monk slipped into his pocket when he went to a church. Hasan was thrown into the same cell that he lived in for two years.
Lastly, during the Year of Clemency, Guicciardini came to get Hasan out of prison because His Holiness wanted to have a word with Hasan. Hasan thought that Adrian wanted to talk with him and was confused. The Pope who came in through the door was not Adrian, for Adrian had died, but it was Cardinal Julius. Julius now called himself Clement because he was elected to the throne of Peter. Hasan was released from prison and was greeted by many upon his return. He was informed however that his mother had died while he was in prison.

1 comment:

  1. Please remember that your posts are supposed to be more than just summaries - you should discuss new concepts and analyze the texts from a sociological perspective as well.
